Address: 265 Peachtree Center Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA
Contact info: +1 404 521 0000 |
The Atlanta Marriott Marquis is the host hotel for IBC 2024 and all scientific sessions will take place at this location. We highly encourage all attendees to book at the host hotel.
$185.00 USD per night, plus taxes & fees.
or call +1(800) 228-9290 to book directly using IBC2024.
HOTEL CUT OFF DATE IS 14 NOVEMBER 2024. After this date our group rate is not guaranteed.
**Interested in arriving up to 3 days early or extending 3 days after the conference 7-13 December 2024 at the group rate? Please contact our IBC Group Bookings Coordinator at Marriott via email. Rudy Jerry, **
Other Hotel Options:
Hyatt Regency Atlanta - For those experiencing any issues related to booking at the Marriott Marquis Atlanta, we have secured a small room block at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, which is connected to the Marriott via skybridge. Available rooms start at $185.00 per person, per night. To begin the booking process and receive this special rate, click here. Rooms are available through 23 October, or until sold. The block is relatively small, and so we suggest that you not wait to reserve your room! For more information, contact the hotel directly and reference group code G-IB24.