How to Register

How to Register Online

A step-by-step guide to registering for the IBC online.

IBC 2024 has passed. Thank you for joining us! The information below is shown here now only for reference.

Before you begin...

Note that we recommend you use either Google Chrome or MS Edge when completing the registration process.
We have noted that users of Firefox and Safari may experience problems, due to the design of those browsers and their inherent handling or blocking of certain common web services and features.

1. Complete your Badge and Contact Information by entering your preferred name, organization name, and title. Your address, email address, and phone number will pre-populate if you are logged into your IBS account. If you do not have an account with the IBS (current or previous), you will have the opportunity to create one.

2. Complete the Additional Information section. All questions are required and an answer will be needed in order to proceed. If a field is open-ended, please enter N/A if it does not apply to you.

3. Select the additional sessions or activities you would like to add to your registration (Short Courses, Gala Dinner, additional time at the aquarium, Added Guests) by clicking the “Add” button to the right of each item.

    • If you are including an Added Guest, the guest name and email address must be entered.
    • When selecting Short Courses, you will not be able select overlapping sessions – you may select one Full Day, or one Half Day (AM) and one Half Day (PM). The system will alert you to any courses that conflict with your selected time
    • You may proceed without selecting any additional items.


    • Please note that the below warning will appear to remind you to register for the Gala or to register your guest before the listed item will become available to add. For example, you must Add the Gala before you can add additional time at the aquarium.

4. Review your selected options and updated Registration Amount Due:

    • The total amount due will include the appropriate full registration pricing. Pricing is calculated based on the date that you register (early bird or later), your registration type, membership status and location (LMIC or not). 

5. On the next screen, confirm the information you have entered and press  “Continue” to move on to the next page.

6. If desired, enter an optional donation amount for the IBC Travel Awards Fund or the Education Committee Fund and add to cart. This is not required. Note that 100% of your donation will be allocated to the selected fund(s). 

7. Select your credit card type, and then submit the reCaptcha check box. Enter your credit card information and complete all required fields (card number, security code, expiration date, and billing address)

8. Click “Submit” – This will complete your registration, and you will receive a confirmation by email.