Contributed Oral Session Presenter Guide
Before you leave!
- First you must ensure that you accepted your invitation that was emailed to you on or after 23 October 2024.
o To do so follow the link in the original email message, please log in to the abstract website and view your invitation in the Message Center. Please review the detailed information and carefully accept or decline the invitation. Your prompt response will help ensure the success of your session. If you need this email resent to you, please contact
- Each Contributed Oral Presenter will be allotted 15 minutes for their presentation with 2 minutes for Q/A and 1 minute for transition/introduction. Please stick to this maximum time cap to respect your fellow presenters and ensure the conference schedule remains on track.
- All presentations must be uploaded to the dropbox link prior to your arrival in Atlanta! This is to ensure all presentations are on site for the conference and to allow staff enough time to organize presentations and reduce tech issues during the conference.
o Please save your presentation title in the following format: [Lastname_Firstname_Session ID#] (i.e., Smith_John_IS.22.02)
o Your Session ID# can be found in your Session Invitation Email
o All presentations must be saved in PDF or PowerPoint format. If you would like to use an IBC-branded template, please click here.
o Using the following link , please upload your presentation no later than Monday, 02 December 2024
o Conflict of Interest:
Please ensure conflict of interest disclosure is clearly presented in your presentation either stating:
- I have no current or past relationships with commercial entities.
- Or outlining all relevant relationships per example below:
- I have the following relationships with commercial interests:
- Advisory Board – [name]
- Speakers Bureau – [name]
- Funding (Grants/Honoraria) – [name]
- Research/Clinical Trial – [name]
- Speaker/Consulting fees – [name]
- Current/past employment – [name]
- Investment – [name]
· Download the Official Conference Mobile App Set to Launch Wednesday, 27 November 2024.
o IBC2024 will be paper conscious, and all conference materials will be available digitally through the mobile app. We will not be using printed programs or guides.
o Instructions on how to download and join the mobile app will be emailed to you directly.
- Our intent is to record some sessions in the general session room, and to share recorded content with Society members, registrants and/or other paying customers as appropriate. Following the conference, some members or others who were unable to attend the meeting may also opt to purchase a package of these sessions. Rather than profiting from these session recordings, the primary goal of this effort is to expand the reach of the meeting and your session, in particular. If you have any questions or concerns about this plan, please reach out to us directly at and we will be happy to discuss the matter and possible solutions with you.
- If you have not already booked your accommodations for the conference, our host hotel still has availability. Check out the website for more details. If you are having difficulty using the conference code when booking your hotel, please contact the hotel directly Rudy Jerry at
- We wish you a safe and smooth journey to Atlanta! If you have any questions, please contact us at