Social Media Toolkit

Share IBC2024 With Your Network!

Let your professional network know that you have been selected to provide a presentation at IBC2024! We have developed a Social Media Toolkit for you to share your attendance and presentation at IBC2024. Encourage your colleagues join you at IBC2024 in Atlanta!


1) Click on the link for the image you would like to use. Right click and select "Save Image".

2) Once saved, you may create a post in the social platform of your choice. Not sure what to use as a caption? Check out some of our suggested text below and feel free to customize it to your liking.

3) Speaking? Be sure to mention your talk!

4) Tag us or use a hashtag when sharing (when using LinkedIn, Facebook, or X / Twitter) to help spread the word and excitement about IBC2024! We suggest #IBC2024ATL.

I'm Presenting Toolkit

"I’m heading to Atlanta to present my research on ______________ at IBC2024. I’m excited about the presentations and the opportunity to connect with IBS Members from around the world. It’s not too late to join me. Visit to get started!"

I'm Presenting Social Graphic #1

I'm Attending Toolkit

"I’m heading to Atlanta to attend IBC2024. I’m excited about the robust program, wide range of research presentations and networking with IBS Members from around the world. It’s not too late to join me. Visit to get started!"

I'm Attending Social Graphic #1